Add a custom linkifier
This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.
Linkifiers make it easy to refer to issues or tickets in third
party issue trackers, like GitHub, Salesforce, Zendesk, and others.
For instance, you can add a linkifier that automatically turns #2468
into a link to
If the pattern appears in a topic, Zulip adds an Open
() button to the right of the
topic in the message recipient bar that links to the appropriate URL.
If you have any trouble creating the linkifiers you want, please contact Zulip
support with details on what you're trying to do.
Add a custom linkifier
- Instructions for all platforms
Go to Linkifiers.
Under Add a new linkifier, enter a Pattern and
URL template.
Click Add linkifier.
Reorder linkifiers
Linkifiers are processed in order, and will not apply to text that
is already linkified. You can therefore choose which linkifiers to prioritize
when more than one linkifier applies. See the
overlapping patterns section for examples.
- Instructions for all platforms
Go to Linkifiers.
Under Linkifiers, click and drag the vertical dots to reorder the list of
Common linkifier patterns
The following examples cover the most common types of linkifiers, with a focus
on linkifiers for issues or tickets.
Link to an issue or ticket
This is a pattern that turns a #
followed by a number into a link. It is often
used to link to issues or tickets in third party issue trackers, like GitHub,
Salesforce, Zendesk, and others.
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{id}
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
Link to issues or tickets in multiple projects or apps
To set up linkifiers for issues or tickets in multiple projects,
consider extending the #2468
format with project-specific
variants. For example, the Zulip development community
for an issue in the repository for the Zulip mobile app,
and issue in the desktop app repository, etc.
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{id}
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
Link to issues or tickets in multiple repositories
For organizations that commonly link to multiple GitHub repositories, this
linkfier pattern turns org/repo#ID
into an issue or pull request link.
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{org}/{repo}/issues/{id}
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
Link to a hexadecimal issue or ticket number
The following pattern linkfies a string of hexadecimal digits between 7 and 40
characters long, such as a Git commit ID.
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{id}
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
Advanced linkifier patterns
Linkifiers are a flexible system that can be used to construct rules for a wide
variety of situations. Linkifier patterns are regular expressions, using the
re2 regular expression
Linkifiers use RFC 6570 compliant
URL templates to describe how links should be generated. These templates support
several expression types. The default expression type ({var}
) will URL-encode
special characters like /
and &
; this behavior is desired for the vast
majority of linkifiers. Fancier URL template expression types can allow you to
get the exact behavior you want in corner cases like optional URL query
parameters. For example:
- Use
when you want URL delimiter characters to not be URL-encoded.
- Use
and {&var}
for variables in URL query parameters.
- Use
when generating #
fragments in URLs.
The URL template specification has brief
examples and detailed
examples explaining
the precise behavior of URL templates.
Linking to documentation pages
This example pattern is a shorthand for linking to pages on Zulip's ReadTheDocs
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{+article}
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
This pattern uses the {+var}
expression type. With the
default expression type ({article}
), the /
between overview
would incorrectly be URL-encoded.
Linking to Google search results
This example pattern allows linking to Google searches.
- Instructions for all platforms
- Pattern:
- URL template:{?q}
- Original text:
or google:
- Automatically links to:
This pattern uses the {?var}
expression type. With the default expression
type ({q}
), there would be no way to only include the ?
in the URL
if the optional q
is present.
Overlapping patterns
In this example, a general linkifier is configured to make GitHub
repository references like zulip-desktop#123
link to issues in that
repository within the zulip
GitHub organization. A more specific
linkifier overrides that linkifier for a specific repository of
interest (django/django
) that is in a different organization.
- Instructions for all platforms
Specific linkifier (ordered before the general linkifier)
- Pattern:
- URL template:{id}
General linkifier
- Pattern:
- URL template:{repo}/pull/{id}
Example matching both linkifiers; specific linkifier takes precedence:
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
Example matching only the general linkifier:
- Original text:
- Automatically links to:
This set of patterns has overlapping regular expressions. Note that
the general linkifier pattern would match lorem#123
too. The specific
linkifier will only get prioritized over the general linkifier if it is
ordered before the more general pattern. This can be customized by
dragging and dropping existing linkifiers into the desired order. New
linkifiers will automatically be ordered last.